Monica Mena- Cuellar
Mónica Mena Cuellar, is a Colombian Spanish teacher in Fairfax County Public Schools. She has taught for more than 25 years in Colombia and in the United States for preschool, elementary, middle, and high school.
She has a master's degree in “Enseñanza del Español y su Cultura” from Universidad de Granada of Spain and she is a Specialist in “Social Studies and Science and Technological Innovation (STS)”.
Ms. Mena has participated and co-developer of curriculum: “FLES-LTC Literacy Guide Updates” for FCPS 2021 and 2022. She co-developed and researched in the developing of policy for Technology Education Curriculum for Public Schools in Bogotá D.C. in Colombia in 2012.
Also, Ms. Mena has published articles such as: “La Educación de Tecnología en Colombia” in the Educative Magazine Aula editorial GRAO of Spain. She researched, co-developed and published “Instructional materials for teachers and students for 1st-6th grades” needed for an appropriate learning context in Technology Education with the Corporation Didactica Recursos Educativos–ALECOP of Pais Vasco.
She has initiated research and is very interested in the latest neurosciences studies and Global Competence and its connection with the teaching/learning to use in the World Languages Classrooms. She had the honor to be a presenter in the prestigious conferences such VADLEN Dual Language/ Immersion (DL/I) 2024-2025 FLAVA 2023-2024; GWATFL 2023-2024 and In-Service Fairfax County Public Schools 2023-2024 for FLES Spanish Teachers.