About Us

Learn about Franklin Sherman Elementary!


Our inclusive community embraces all students with empathy and care. We will utilize innovative and differentiated practices to develop critical thinkers who are goal-oriented and self-directed. We will develop strong communicators who are creative problem solvers who persevere and consider multiple perspectives.

Vision Statement

We empower students through our collaborative community to:​​​​

  • love learning
  • think critically
  • become courageous, ethical, global citizens.

Core Beliefs

We believe in our students.

  • We believe that each student possesses limitless potential.
  • We believe that each student can be a successful learner.
  • We believe that each student is capable of meeting high expectations.

We believe in our community.

  • We respect, honor, and celebrate the cultural and educational diversity of our school community.
  • We acknowledge parents and community volunteers as partners in the educational process.
  • We collaborate with families and the community to support student achievement in all areas.

We believe in ourselves.

  • We provide a positive, safe learning environment in which all students are motivated to succeed  and to develop as global citizens with 21st century skills.
  • We model continuous learning, growing, and changing as educators and staff members by utilizing a variety of instructional strategies.
  • As a professional learning community, we create differentiated, engaging learning experiences based on knowledge of each student’s development

Middle School

Students from Franklin Sherman attend Longfellow Middle School for grades 7-8

High School

Students from Franklin Sherman attend McLean High School for grades 9-12