Green Team

Franklin Sherman’s team of environmentally conscious students and staff consists of over 100 kids. We have been working as a team and a school to help spread the word about how to be more eco-friendly and kinder to our environment. Over the past two years we have been putting our action plans to use and our efforts have earned us our second green flag through the Eco Schools of the National Wildlife Federation. We are very proud of this accomplishment!

The students at our school have a strong understanding of our three pathways: Waste and Consumption, School Grounds, and Energy. Over the past year we have added some exciting new projects, including our aeroponic Tower Garden. We even harvest the lettuce and greens and serve it in the lunch line. The eight raised beds on the school grounds have been cleaned up, cared for and have new crops waiting to grow! Our newest adventure includes raising baby trout in the library until they grow big enough to release in the spring. The entire school continues to be mindfully aware of our energy use and turns off the lights on a regular basis. The students have gotten really good at bringing reusable containers and water bottles to school as well.

These small changes have made a big impact on our environment and culture here at Franklin Sherman. Our students have a great foundation of knowledge for what it really means to go green!

Some of the Green Initiatives at Franklin Sherman

Green Team Lead