Art at Franklin Sherman

Every grade level experience a variety of media in art and the objective for each unit are based on age appropriate skills, open ended problems and the FCPS POS (program of study) for visual art. Each class comes to Art for an hour every week.

All the grade levels study drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, sculpture and clay. In addition to these media, first, second and fourth grades learn stitching, and third and fifth grades study yearn weaving. The sixth graders participate in a countywide assessment which is a painting project. Each year, the goal is to build on skills developed previously and introduce new skills and problems. Student work is focused on individual creativity and original solutions.

Art work is displayed around the school before it is sent home.

Assessment in art includes: Engages in the creative process; Applies art techniques and media appropriately; and Demonstrates an understanding of art by engaging with art history, culture, criticism, and aesthetics. These standards are monitored through a combination of group discussion, planning sketches, frequent checks on student progress, completed artwork and written responses.

Art Curriculum is a combination of the “Big Idea” for each grade level that is part of the FCPS POS and integration with unites taught in the classroom. When possible, art projects are connected to general education subjects, especially science and social studies.